FBI statistics find 3 percent drop in violent crime

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The latest FBI crime statistics show a 3 percent drop in violent crime across the country last year, including a significant drop in the number of homicides.

Murder and non-negligent manslaughter dropped 11.6 percent – the largest such drop in decades, according to the FBI.

Reported rapes also dropped significantly compared to 2022, falling 9.4 percent.

The drop in reported crimes comes as former President Trump and GOP candidates across the country have seized on crime as a campaign issue, repeatedly suggesting violent crime has surged.

But Monday’s figures show a steady drop in crime that initially spiked at the start of the pandemic. Overall violent crime is still down significantly compared to spikes in the 1990s.

Some crime statistics did rise over the last year, however.

Auto theft surged 12.6 percent, and hate crime incidents also rose nearly 2 percent.


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